Vidcon Corporate Event Photography

Vidcon Corporate event photography project for the conference organizer Freeman Brand Marketing. This was one of the most fun and interesting event photography projects I have ever attended.

It has every element an event photographer could dream of. It was a multi-day extravaganza with fabulous design, an all-access pass, interesting people, performers, mesmerizing events, incredible organization, crowds of people, constant physical exercise, (walking), and spontaneous moments tailor-made for a photographer with a photojournalist’s eye. 

The images were incredible and everywhere to be had, and the crew of Freeman Brand Marketing was great to work with. 

Truth be told, I don’t find most corporate event photography projects all that interesting but I photograph them because I am good at what I do and it pays well. But this corporate photography event was so interesting and engaging that I would love to shoot this event again because of the sheer volume of beautiful images that I could create.

This event photography project had a slick high-tech carnival feel where people behaved authentically and spontaneously throughout the whole of the event. It was like shooting fish in a barrel and could almost not fail. This is the kind of event that I live for as a photographer. 

photographing events like  Vidcon corporate event photography project is kind of like dancing or surfing because I cannot plan and orchestrate these shoots like my large industrial aerospace photography projects, I have to find images on the fly but within the confines of the needs of the client. I have to go with the flow and sometimes respond immediately to something spontaneous and also anticipate where images are going to happen. That is what makes some event photography so interesting to me. 

I grew up in the business as a photojournalist working for major newspapers and every major news magazine in the country before I became a commercial photographer. There are parts that I miss like being able to find spontaneous moments of human interaction, this is why I like shooting this Vidcon corporate event photography project so much.